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How You Can Restore Your Smile with Kitchener Street Dental

Achieve a Beautiful Smile with Kitchener Street Dental’s Range Of Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

With the help of Kitchener Street Dental in Toowoomba you can turn your tired, worn smile into a healthy-looking white grin. From replacing missing teeth to whitening your existing ones, Kitchener Street Dental has the answers.

Did you know that a dental implant is the best restorative treatment for a missing tooth? And that the only thing better than a dental implant is your natural tooth?

Did you know that a root canal treatment is actually no more painful than getting a filling? And that a root canal treatment is all about saving your tooth not ‘killing’ it?

Restorative Dental Treatments Available at Kitchener Street Dental…

At Kitchener Street Dental we offer a range of restorative dental treatments to look after the health of your smile. Our restorative treatments can also improve the appearance of your smile.

Dental Implants…The Best Tooth Replacement Treatment Available

The most sought-after treatment for a missing tooth is dental implants. Dental implants are not only the healthiest way to replace missing teeth it is also the most long-term, cost-effective treatment for a missing tooth.

Sounds too good?

It’s true! A dental implant is just the closest thing to your natural tooth that dentistry currently has to offer. Unlike a bridge or denture, a dental implant acts like a tooth root for a prosthetic tooth.

So unlike other restorative treatment options a dental implant is the complete package:

  • The implant acts as a prosthetic tooth root:
    This is beneficial for your jaw bone density and overall facial structure
  • Your jaw heals around the implant:
    Your implant is permanent and provides a strong and sturdy root for a prosthetic tooth
  • The prosthetic tooth that is attached means you can eat normally:
    By filling the gap it maintains your bite alignment.

Not filling the gap left by a missing tooth can lead to gum disease and loss of jaw bone density.

Have you heard what gum disease has been linked to?

Because gum disease causes inflammation and higher levels of bacteria it can cause other severe problems throughout the rest of the body. Gum disease has been linked to:

  • Strokes
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack/cardiovascular disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease

As far as cost-effective goes:

Dental implants are permanent. The prosthetic tooth (usually a crown) that is attached can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. And looking after your dental implant is simple: all you need to do is maintain regular oral hygiene routine and visit the dentist regularly.

Root Canal Treatment…It’s Not As Bad As You Might Think

At Kitchener Street Dental in Toowoomba when we perform a root canal it won’t be any more uncomfortable than a filling.

A root canal is actually designed to save your tooth. This is done by cleaning out the infected tooth pulp and filling it with a thermoplastic polymer and dental cement.

Depending on the severity of the infection and the amount of pulp that needs to be cleaned out, you may need a dental crown.

A dental crown is a ceramic cap that strengthens and protects a tooth. By placing a crown over a tooth that has had root canal treatment you are ensuring that it stays strong. Which means you’ll be able to eat normally without worrying about doing further damage to your weakened tooth.

Not only are dental crowns a great way to strengthen and protect your tooth, they can be colour-matched to blend in with the rest of your teeth.

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